Monday, April 25, 2011

CBBC Announces recipient of Don Matthews Memorial Award

For immediate release:

Calgary, Alberta

March 16, 2011



Bob Prestage, owner of Arklow Angus and Wicklow Angus and a purebred Angus breeder, received the Don Matthews Memorial Award for Excellence in Animal Health at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Beef Breeds Council (Council) held in Calgary, March 9, 2011.

The Award is presented by the Board of Directors of the Council to individuals who have contributed exemplary service to the development of the Canadian purebred beef cattle industry in the field of animal health. Bob Prestage has a lifetime experience in the livestock industry as a beef specialist, breeder of purebred beef cattle and international marketer of livestock genetics. He is a knowledgeable judge of cattle, understanding both performance records and physical characteristics. He specializes in the logistics of shipping live animals, semen and embryos all over the world. Bob has been extremely involved as a volunteer in his industry and his community

Bob Prestage is a distinguished lobbyist for animal health and welfare and is recognized as a leading international spokesperson for the purebred cattle sector,” said Allan Marshall, President of CBBC Board of Directors. “He has been instrumental in helping resolve agricultural trade access issues and we consider him a champion of the purebred beef cattle sector.”

The Don Matthews Memorial Award for Excellence in Animal Health was instituted in the honour of the late Don Matthews, Angus breeder, and a past President and driving force behind the Canadian Beef Breeds Council. Matthews had a passion for matters relating to animal health and international trade, foundational pillars of the Council.

The Canadian Beef Breeds Council is the recognized representative of Canadian seed stock producers by government and industry, while effectively promoting Canada as the source of quality beef cattle genetics.. Its members include national breed associations that in turn represent producers of breeding stock. Associate CBBC members are exporters and service providers. The Canadian Beef Breeds Council exists to represent and promote Canadian pedigreed beef cattle genetics domestically and internationally.

For more information:

Brett Campbell, Executive Vice President, Canadian Beef Breeds Council

T: 403.730.0350, C: 403.901.5090

CBBC Announces New Executive


For immediate release:

Calgary, Alberta

DATE: March 16, 2011

Canadian Beef Breeds Council Announces New Executive

The Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) wishes to announce the results of the recently held Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting held Wednesday, March 9th. The board re-elected Allan Marshall, Canadian Charolais Association as President, and re-elected Byron Templeton, Canadian Hereford Association as 1st Vice President. Newly added to the Executive were Doug Fee, Canadian Angus Association and Roger Davis, Davis-Rairdan Embryos International.

“We are delighted with this additions of Doug Fee and Roger Davis to the Executive of CBBC and look forward to working with them”, says President Allan Marshall. “Our focus for Canada’s purebred beef cattle producers continues with ongoing projects such as international market development through the Canadian Cattlemen Market Development Council and the Legacy Program, CBBC-BIXS value chain system and Producer Business Tools, including cost of production, sales reporting and benchmarking, with the view to promoting the purebred sector both domestically as well as internationally.”

The Canadian Beef Breeds Council is the recognized representative of Canadian seed stock producers by government and industry, while effectively promoting Canada as the source of quality beef cattle genetics.. Its members include national breed associations that in turn represent producers of breeding stock. Associate CBBC members are exporters and service providers. The Canadian Beef Breeds Council exists to represent and promote Canadian pedigreed beef cattle genetics domestically and internationally


For more information:

Allan Marshall, President, Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC); T: 403.730.0350, C: 403.588.5282