Monday, November 22, 2010

BIXS Stage One Launch

BIXS stage one launch to stakeholder partners under way

The CCA is pleased to announce the stage one launch of the Beef InfoXchange System (BIXS) to stakeholder partners. These partners represent existing and, in some cases, large beef cattle databases and specific beef cattle programs.

The stage one launch commenced at the end of October and will continue for several weeks as stakeholder partners make the necessary preparations to batch upload individual animal data to the BIXS database.

Issues may arise during this initial launch but to-date the process has been relatively smooth, reported the CCA’s Larry Thomas, national coordinator of the BIXS and Canadian Beef Advantage programs.

In the meantime, the BIXS management team is finalizing the details of the BIXS application leading up to the program’s national launch to cow-calf and feedlot producers.

“This second stage may roll out in a couple of phases, with the initial targeted launch to cow-calf producers on high-speed Internet connections or those enrolling and submitting data to BIXS through a third party,” Thomas said.

Interested producers are urged to visit the BIXS web site often for updates on the stage two launch and to learn more about the program. For more information, visit:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Healthy Animal" Youth Contest Launched

"Healthy Animal" Youth Contest Launched In Support Of National 4-H Month

OTTAWA, November 1, 2010 - The Government of Canada is proud to promote November as "National 4-H Month", and encourages Canadians to show support for 4-H by wearing green to mark "Show your Colours Day" on November 3. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency will mark 4-H month by launching an animal biosecurity contest for 4-H club members and other like-minded Canadian youth.

"Reaching out to young people who are passionate about farming and agriculture is an investment in the future of agriculture," said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. "As a former 4-H'er, I know the positive role this organization plays in providing our youth with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed not only in the agriculture sector, but in life."

The Canadian 4-H Council has a long history of attracting new farmers to agriculture, helping to develop responsible citizens, and building confidence in youth as they learn a wide variety of skills through hands-on projects. The online contest asks young people to come up with a slogan, a story or lyrics to a song that explain how to keep animals healthy. The winning submission could be used in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) advertisements and national campaigns to inspire others about biosecurity.

"Having healthy animals means healthy food, healthy people and a healthy agriculture industry," explains Dr. Brian Evans, Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada and newly appointed Chief Food Safety Officer of Canada. "We challenge the young minds of today to explain to their peers across the nation that protecting animal health is important."

Contest information can be found online at The Government of Canada and the Canadian 4-H Council encourage young people to learn all they can about biosecurity and step up to the challenge. The contest closes January 30, 2011.

"We are extremely proud of our long-standing partnership with the Government of Canada," said Judy Shaw, president of the Canadian 4-H Council. "Their help and support provides new and exciting opportunities for 4-H members across Canada to 'Learn to Do by Doing.' Whether it is national programs or club-level activities, support from the Government of Canada helps ensure that 4-H remains one of Canada's premier youth leadership organizations."

The Government of Canada has supported the Canadian 4-H Council since it was established in 1933. The Council organizes and coordinates national and international conferences, exchanges and scholarships which focus on leadership development, career choices such as agriculture, technology transfer and other pressing issues being faced by today's rural communities and their young people. Show Your 4-H Colours day is an opportunity for 4-H leaders, alumni and supporters to show their pride, spirit and enthusiasm for youth, agriculture, leadership and skills development.

To learn more about the Canadian 4-H Council, "Show Your 4-H Colours" day and National 4-H Month activities, visit For more information about Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programs and services that support young farmers, visit

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For more information, media may contact:

Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ottawa, Ontario

Meagan Murdoch
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Gerry Ritz

Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Media Relations: 613-773-6600

Ken Lancastle
Canadian 4-H Council/Canadian 4-H Foundation
613-234-4448 ext. 27